by Baxter and Nina
Baxter prescribes this for:
- Weak spine and poor posture
- Tight hips
- Stress reduction
- Breath practice position
- Meditation position
- Resting position between other seated poses
Cautions: This is a generally a safe pose. But if you have knee pain or hip pain in the pose and you’ve tried all four versions of it, try Hero pose instead. And if you can’t get comfortable sitting on the ground for meditation or breath practice, sit on a chair instead.
1. Classic Version
Once you have settled in, keep your awareness on maintaining your inner lift. If you are meditating or doing a breath practice, you can start now. If not, bring your awareness to your breath.
To come out of the pose, place your fingertips on the floor by your hips for support, lean back slightly, and extend your legs out in front of you. If you have held the pose for 2 minutes or less, repeat the pose on the second side by changing the cross of your legs. Otherwise, alternate the cross of your legs from day to day.
2. Supported Hips and Knees
To come into the pose, sit with your sitting bones near the front edge of your prop. (Experiment with with the height of the prop or blanket stack for your hips to find the height that allows you to experience the inner lift and spinal alignment described for classic version). Then place the blocks under your outer thighs so they fully support your thighs, using the height that allows you to relax your hip muscles and avoid any knee or hip pain.
Once you are comfortable, follow the instructions for the classic version for alignment and focus. To come out of the pose, remove the props supporting your thighs, and then follow the instructions for coming out of the classic version.
3. Back to the Wall
To set up for the pose, if you are using a prop for your hips, place it against the wall. Now sit down on the floor or prop, with the back of your pelvis and shoulder blades against the wall, your lower back off the wall, and your legs out in front of you. Then follow the instructions for the classic pose for coming into and aligning yourself in the pose. As you create your inner lift, keep your pelvis and shoulder blades against the wall, your lower back slightly away from it, and your head over your spine.
Once you are comfortable, follow the instructions for the classic version for finding your focus. To come out of the pose, follow the instructions for the classic version or version 2, if you’re using props.
4. Forward Bend
To come into the pose, start in either version 1 or 2. Then, maintaining your straight back and inner lift, tip forward from your hips and place your hands or fingertips on the floor in front of you. When your hips stop rotating forward, you can allow your lower spine to round a bit. Come forward gradually until you feel a good stretch in your hips, along your spine, or both. If you feel any pain in your knees, hips, or lower back, try coming slightly out of the pose until the pain disappears. Once you are comfortable, bring your awareness to your breath.
Stay in the pose for 1-2 minutes or until your muscles begin to shake. To come out of the pose, walk your hands back as you lift your spine back into an upright position. Then change the cross of your legs and repeat the pose on the second side.
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