I lost 24lbs in 2014, but I gained 5lbs back over Christmas (Just call me Holly Heffer) and so that takes it down to 19lbs. To be honest, I want to start fresh as if I'm doing this whole weight loss thing for the first time and so I'm going to 'forget' about last year's weight loss and just focus on the weight I want to loose now.
If you would like to join in (please do, I need friends and if I do this alone, I will fail - Sorry, I didn't mean to emotionally blackmail you... much) then feel free to use the hashtag #FITFILES on Twitter, Instagram and whatnot and I will find you and send you some motivation whenever you need it! obviously, feel free to post your story and your journey in each of my #fitfiles on a Tuesday and we can all encourage each other. COME ON! If I'm doing this then at least one of you lot can do it with me. Please.
It all kicks off with how I'm feeling on week one...
Yesterday was pretty much day one for me. I had a slice of toast for breakfast, two slices of toast at lunch and then battered haddock with garlic sauce and savoury rice for dinner. Throw in two biscuits, two cups of coffee and as much water as I can stomach and that was my whack.
I can see exactly where I've went wrong. Too much toast, the biscuits (pesky sugary treats) and the fact that the fish was battered with garlic sauce. I only drink semi skimmed milk and always take artificial sweeteners so there shouldn't be too many calories in there - I hope not anyways, I NEEDS THE COFFEE!
My water intake has helped. I have one of those sports bottle thingys and I fill that up once in the morning and once in the evening when I do my workout. Speaking of which, workout... if you can call it that.
I'm not a gym bunny. I don't do gym's or fitness classes. I'm just waaaayy too self conscious and if I'm honest, it's money I can't afford to burn right now. I exercise at home - I use different DVD's and youtube videos. I love the three step workout by Chris Powell which is designed for major exercise phobes like me and I also love the Charlie Brooks DVD which I know is pretty old but exercise is still exercise, it doesn't get old. I'm also trying the Rosemary Conley Weight loss dvd which I know is probably designed for older people but it kicks my bum everytime I use it so it works even on 28 year olds like me (and you reading this!)
I'm a UK size 20/22 and I would love to be a size 14. I'm pretty tall and wide so weight spreads quite well on me. I'm setting a target of December 2015 to get to where I want to be. That might be too much, I have no idea but if I could loose 1/2 pounds a week, I'll be pretty damn happy :)
COME ON what are you waiting for? Don't put off now, do this with me, I'm making it so easy! look at my diet and exercise? come on, if I can do it you can do it! Leave me your journey here in the comments on Hollys Beauty Box or #fitfiles below and who knows - maybe if I get a wee team of people I will do a giveaway once in a blue moon to reward you!
All My Love and pockets filled full of empty quality street papers...
Holly xx