Fat Shaming: Open Mouth Insert Foot

By Shauntee @shaunteebattie

Photo Credit: Collider.com

Photo Credit: Collider.com

Fat Shaming: When you put Your Foot in Your Mouth

For the last month I’ve seen fat shaming trending on the internet, but I haven’t read one article in regards to it. You would think that as a plus size woman, I would keep up with all things fat but I don’t. I didn’t read it because for the most part fat shaming will do nothing to help with obesity. Making someone feel bad about anything DOES NOT HELP. Making people ashamed of being fat also DOESN’T HELP, it adds stress and guess what stress does…it makes you get fatter!!!!

Today, I finally got a chance to read the comments from singer, turned actor, turned author, and recently turned fat shamer, Tyrese Gibson (Remember the kid that got on the bus and sang the hell out of the Coca Cola song). He had an open mouth insert foot moment when he opened up a big can of fat shame. Here’s what was said during an interview with allhiphop.com

“No two situations are the same. If you are fat and n*sty and you don’t like the way you look, do something about it. It’s simple,” he responded.

“When you take a shower and you put your fat, n*sty body in the shower and by the time you get out, the mirrors are all steamed up so you don’t look at what you did to yourself. That may sound offensive or insensitive but ultimately, you are big as hell because you have earned that sh**. You worked your a** off to eat everything in sight to get big as hell,” Gibson continued.

“If you got a problem with the way you look, then you need to do something about it. Excuses sound best to the people that’s making them up,” he finished.

I don’t have a problem with him calling women fat. Because the way I see it, people have been using the word fat since the beginning of time and will still be using it when I’m long gone. However, to imply that fat women are nasty is a completely different ball game. “When you take a shower and you put your fat, nasty body in the shower” uh Tyrese, nasty people don’t take showers!!!!! I happened to know quite a few plus size women and I can assure you that none of them are nasty. Now if you find plus size women unattractive, then that’s your preference no harm done, but choose your words better. I sincerely agree with his comment if you don’t like yourself, do something about it” Because I feel like people should work to improve the things they don’t like about themselves.

I understand that people want to comment about obesity but there’s a way to do anything. I would’ve totally been in his favor had he simply stated that women needed to eat healthier and exercise more. Instead he obviously forgot that many of us fat nasty women (his words) went to see his movies, listened to his music, and bought his books putting money in his pocket. He then took to Twitter in a pitiful attempt to explain himself.

Tyrese Twitter

I’m even more appalled after reading that his mother and sisters are plus size women. Where exactly is your PR rep? You know the person who tells you what to say and what not to say. You know like…how NOT to offend your fans. Next time, The Transformers star should keep his mouth shut unless he’s singing.

How do you feel about fat shaming and how do you feel about his comments?