“Fat Is In, Sugar Is Out”

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Good fat, good fat, sugar

The paradigm shift continues. More and more experts stop being unnecessarily afraid of fat. More and more people blame the obesity epidemic on junk food, with added sugar and other refined carbohydrates as culprit number one.

Now there are also new rules proposed for nutrition labels in the US. They’ll make it easier to watch out for added sugar:

BBC News: Fat is in, sugar is out: Label creates new food hierarchy

Some people take a detour and blame the obesity epidemic on the fuzzy concept of calories. They are right in theory, but wrong in practice. The quality of the calories determines how many calories one wants to eat.

In the past, before the obesity epidemic, nobody knew what a calorie was. They still kept their weight. Requiring calorie counting to maintain weight falls on its own absurdity. It’s as silly as demanding that you count your breaths.

We have a built-in sense of hunger and satiety that works better than any calorie table. Especially as it’s impossible to know how many calories you consume.


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