Fat Chance: Sugar-Busting Bestseller?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Here’s an advance look at this winter’s upcoming bestseller, Robert Lustig’s “Fat Chance”. He showed the cover during his presentation at AHS yesterday and I took a quick iPhone pic (above), sorry about the quality.

I think this book will make a big difference. It will put the media spotlight on sugar and processed high-carb junk food as the main cause of obesity and western disease (not simply “calories”, as the junk food industry wants you to believe).

While Gary Taubes is arguably at least as smart as Lustig, it’s Lustig who’s the master communicator and media rockstar. It’s hard to argue with 2,7 million views on YouTube for a 90 min lecture and high-profile media appearances all over the place. Furthermore, I had lunch with Lustig yesterday and I can tell you that this guy is just getting started.

 Pre-order Fat Chance on Amazon.com