Fasting Vs. Low Carb – Which is More Powerful?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

What is most effective for weight loss - fasting or low-carb, high-fat diets? It's like asking if Superman or Batman is more powerful.

You probably already know the answer. If not, Dr. Jason Fung explains it in his latest post:

Dr. Fung: Power: Fasting vs Low Carb

Spoiler: The most powerful one is Superman... and fasting. No diet will ever beat no diet, when it comes to weight loss.

However, depending on how you look at it, an LCHF diet might give you around 70 percent of the benefits of fasting, without the fasting. Not too bad.

In fact, pretty superheroic. Like Batman.


Read Dr. Jason Fung's new great book The Obesity Code for many more insights: