Falling into Sync with the Season

By Vickilane

Layla is puzzled as I shift the decor about. Away with the summer blue and white and in with the colors of fall!

I change the pantry curtain and pillow covers in the kitchen, as well as the pillow covers in the living room.  The paintings of white lilies give way to an autumn landscape and a group of quilters.

The blue and white quilts I made that have hung from the loft railing are replaced by two antique quilts -- suitable for this time of year when my Pagan friends honor ancestors and my Christian friends are looking forward to All Souls Day.

A part of some Pagan traditions is an Ancestor altar -- I actually  have (year round) a wall covered with family pictures and a cabinet  and a shadowbox packed with family mementos.

Our corner cupboard, which held blue and white china all summer, becomes (in my mind) a tribute to the past -- shells and fossils, stones and bones, a pre-Columbian Native American bowl (the brown clay one on the right, second shelf from the bottom,) a Mayan frog, and an unknown gentleman are amongst the  objects that say Fall to me.