Fall for Greenville 2011

By Wendiw80 @asouthernyogi
I don't think I listed this in my favorite things about Greenville, but we have lots of festivals here and the biggest one is Fall for Greenville. It's held downtown and features restaurants from all over the city. You buy tickets and then go to different food vendors to eat/drink whatever they have. It's my fav time of year.
Schnitzel Roll from Bavarian Pretzel Factory
I've heard a lot of good things about this restaurant and have been wanting to try it. This was okay, but it wasn't out of this world delish. I won't let it deter me from going to the restaurant though because I'm sure it's better there. 
p.s. my nail polish looks really good
Lemonade from Rosalinda's - this place is delish and I've been there before. Great Tacos Al Pastor

It gets super crowded and there's not really a great time to go. It's busy with families during the day and people looking to drink at night. 
My hubby eating the rest of my Schnitzel Roll. I can't eat the whole thing because I want to make sure I can eat lots of different things. We can spend a lot of money here. Give me a festival about food, I'm going to eat. 
The girls - they like Barley's... great pizza
 I made them take an action shot. Neely refused. 
Beignet's from some place, I can't remember the name. Not good. Although, I have had the infamous Cafe DuMond beignets, so I guess it's hard to compete. Someone also had beignets with peaches and I wish I had gotten that. 
The best cupcake place in Greenville, Iced - not Chocolate Mousse, not Cupcake Couture... Iced... Delicious. Jesse confirmed

Reedy River - so pretty!!! 
Next up - Oktoberfest!!