
By Lifeasarunningmom @RunningMom6
The countdown continues.....29 days until the Honolulu Marathon.
Emotions can start getting crazy at this point in marathon training and let's not even touch on what can happen emotionally during taper. Right now I want to focus on the now and isn't that a good strategy for many aspects of life? Why worry too much about tomorrow? You are not there yet. Why worry about yesterday? It is gone. But that is so much easier said than done and this is where FAITH comes into play.
FAITH: confidence or trust in a person or thing

FAITH. Something I hold dear to my heart even if I may lose sight of my faith from time to time.
There is no point to discuss the myriad of ways one can lose faith. What is important today is to recognize that faith is instrumental in our lives on many different levels. I am in the rough patch of my training. Those couple of weeks before taper where I feel higher levels of stress. The "this is it" phase. There are no second chances right now. Typically, I may fall off of my training during this phase as I feel that race day is so close and what I do makes no real difference at all. Essentially, I lose faith.
I was mentioning to a co-worker the other day that this is the time where I may actually dread a run but don't get me wrong, my dread isn't anything like real dread. I want to run. I am happy to get dressed and ready to go so I am not sure if dread is the right word. It is more of me losing faith that the run I do today will bring me closer to my goals so I feel a bit less confident, less motivated, less optimistic, lost. But what I do today does matter. Every day matters. There is not one run that a runner runs that doesn't matter, no matter how short, slow, or crazy. It all matters.
How it matters to you is a point that can be debated. But for me, it is another day of my running streak, another day of taking some time to take care of me, another day to get my juices flowing to clean out the toxins and stressors in my body, another day to reconnect with my spirituality, another day to set a good example for darling daughter, another day to have fun. Although I would be lying to say all runs are equally fun. Some suck but those sucky runs can feel really awesome afterwards, can't they?
FAITH. I need to hold onto my faith not just in running but in all aspects of my life. It is what keeps me centered and grounded on what really is important in life. I want to break a 4:20 marathon. I have faith I will. I am working on having the same faith that I will come December 8th. That faith is slowly blooming and I need to water it, nurture it, and take care of it. I need that faith come race day. I want that faith come race day.
I was watching a Food Network show last night with darling daughter. Chopped. One participant stated he promised his kids he would win. This brought up a teachable moment. I turned to darling daughter and said, it isn't good to make promises like that. I can't promise you I will have a certain time at my marathon but I can promise you I will do my best. She agreed. A promise to do your best is a better promise. The contestant - he got chopped in the second round and I can imagine his heart was heavy as he would have to relay that information to his kids.
I am a woman of promises. I have faith in promises. When I promise something, I mean it. And come December 8th I promise to run my best. I promise to pace myself as best as I can. I promise to slow myself down if I start out too fast. I promise to fuel smart and wisely according to my plan. I promise to not try anything new. I promise to take my salt tabs. I promise to do everything in my power to stay connected to my faith and my spirituality. I have faith that I will break a 4:20 marathon. I have faith it will happen exactly when it is suppose to. As much as I want to taste that victory in 2013, I have faith in forces beyond me and know there is meaning in all aspects of my life. I have FAITH.
Daily Gratitude: I am thankful for a functional computer at work.
Daily Affirmation: My faith and spirituality makes me stronger and happier.