Face Products: Order of Application

By Arzoo Sharma @prettynhealthy

Always fascinated by the skin care products and confused which one to use when? Ever wondered if you are following a correct skin care order or applying your & in a correct order? Do you keep slathering products without knowing which one goes when and why? I guess, it's time to answer all these queries with the correct order of application of skin care & makeup products you might be doing all wrong (or perhaps right, in which case- you can choose not to *read this post)!

Cleanser: CLEANSE! This step needs no introduction as to when it comes in the skin care order. You have to first cleanse your face to get rid of all the junk on your face and give a way for other products to work better. Scrubbing can be done after that if you want to but cleansing always comes first!

Toner: Tone up your skin just like your body. A facial mist, toner, homemade toner or whatever it is tone up your skin after cleansing with a toner. To get the most out of your toner, first wipe your face with a cotton pad dipped in toner and then pat the toner onto your skin with your hands to get it deeper in the skin.

Serum: The logic of skin care is ~ all light weight products first and then heavy-texture products. So serum comes first among all cream skin care products! Take a pea sized amount of and rub it on your face in circular motions!

Spot Correcting/Acne Treatment: For those who uses either of these, use them after applying a serum (only on the target area, if you wish you can extend it to full face, doesn't really matter)!

Eye Cream: Next comes the eye cream, choose any eye cream for a specific purpose ~ crow's feet, dark circles, puffy eyes and swirl it around your eyes from inner corner to outer corner with your ring finger, take it all the way over the eyes as well, you don't want the eye lids to not get any sort of care & treatment (like the rest of your face), or do you?

Moisturizer: Moisturize always no matter what your skin type is - oily, combination, sensitive or whatever, it doesn't matter, you gotta moisturize the heck out of your skin if you don't want your skin to be a target of early wrinkles and fine lines. Use a moisturizer meant for your skin type all over your face and make sure to extend it (all of your skin care products to be precise) to your neck as well!

Sunscreen: The most beloved product aka sunscreen (of beauty conscious junkies). Use it right after moisturizing your face, let the moisturizer sink in your skin and then slather on a sunscreen (a full tablespoon for your face, yup that's the recommended amount to be used to prevent your skin from the nasty sun rays) 20 minutes before going out, don't worry about counting the time with chemical sunscreens, you can just use them and walk out in the sun.

Read: My Current Skin Care Routine: The Secret to My Clear Skin!

Primer: Making up yourself? And don't know what product to begin with after using a sunscreen? Prime, yup Primer is it. The Makeup Process begins with a Primer and ends with a Makeup Setting Spray (& compact for most of us)!

Foundation/BB Cream: Time now to use your base product ~ your foundation, BB or CC cream to fake the hell of a flawless complexion, well, if you are blessed with beautiful skin, you can sure skip this step!

Concealer: Concealer comes after foundation, some even uses it before using a foundation but the logic is simple- it's used to cover what the foundation wasn't able to cover so yeah, Foundation first & then Concealer! You can go ahead & do it the other way as well but this is the right way and I'm all about doing it the right way 😉

Powder: Loose powder, setting powder, compact powder, they all come after you've done your base with liquid products. Dust your favorite powder onto a powder brush and swish it around your face to mattify your face. If you are for the Dewy look, you can skip the powder step.

Bronzer: Bronze your face after working your way up with a compact. Contouring comes first as with blush & a highlighter. That's a good way to first work up your way to your face and then color and then highlight your face.

Since blush comes just above the contour you may have done on your cheeks (not adding nose, chin, forehead, jawline here) it's time to a lil (no stop blushing, it's the other blush), go with a blush just above the contour by faking a wide smile to find the apples of your cheeks.

Highlighter: And then above it & top of all comes the highlighter, highlight the cheek bone with a highlighter, if highlighting with a lighter shade foundation or a concealer, I'd suggest to go before contouring or after contouring/before using a blush since it has to be extended all the way down to the cheeks.

Setting Spray: Last step is to set everything and keep all the makeup you've done tact in place for hours (& hours), just spray the makeup setting spray by holding it 2-3 inches away from your face and you are good to go (provided you do your eyes & lips your way whatever you want to do first & last).

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