Fabulous Friday – 28 April 2017

By Whatsheread

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We should always find ways to celebrate the little things in life. What better day to celebrate these little things than the best day of the week? So, here are the things that make this a Fabulous Friday for me this week.



  • Hamilton– After months of waiting, Jim, Holly, and I are finally going to see “Hamilton” in Chicago on Saturday. I have been counting down to this weekend.
  • Switching Gears– Because there is no such thing as rest in the dance world, Holly and I now switch our focus to the ballet show. This weekend is the first run-through of the show to make sure we have the dance order down and have no issues with stage entrances and exits. We have four hours scheduled on Sunday but are hoping that it ends earlier. I am in charge of the props for the show this year, so I’ll be focusing on pauses and timing to get props on and off the stage. Fun times!


What makes this a Fabulous Friday for you?


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