Fabulous Friday – 2 February 2018

By Whatsheread

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We should always find ways to celebrate the little things in life. What better day to celebrate these little things than the best day of the week? So, here are the things that make this a Fabulous Friday for me this week.


  • DONE – This has been one heck of a week. Work was absolutely insane, and I worked longer and harder than I have in a very long time. On top of that, I had to run home every morning to give Cletus a break from his crate, feed him, and let him burn off some energy. This is not conducive to a calm work environment, as it makes me feel as if I am always on the run. Plus, Jim left for Australia on Wednesday so Holly and I have been struggling to come up with a routine that allows us both to accomplish everything we need to do every day. As if that wasn’t enough, Tallulah got sick on Wednesday; I suspect it was something she ate that impacted her system for a good 24 hours. I think she had to go outside more than Cletus did! Holly miraculously has nothing on the calendar this weekend; her dance coaches are out of town this weekend so no rehearsals. This means that we all get the chance to take a deep breath, rest, and readjust to prepare for next week.


What makes this a Fabulous Friday for you?


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