Fabulous Friday – 11 May 2018

By Whatsheread

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We should always find ways to celebrate the little things in life. What better day to celebrate these little things than the best day of the week? So, here are the things that make this a Fabulous Friday for me this week.


  • BIRTHDAY WEEK – As we head into the weekend, I have to say it has been a good week. Holly made sure my birthday was a good one. I didn’t have to cook once this week. Connor kept the house clean for me. Jim bought me flowers for work. We now have landscapers to keep our yard nice and neat. The weather has been gorgeous for most of the week. I can’t really complain. Tonight, Holly and I head to a local high school to watch a fellow dance team member in their production of Newsies. The weather this weekend will be cool, so I have an excuse to stay inside and get to work on my “Watch all Marvel movies before seeing the new Avengers” project. I see no downside here.


What makes this a Fabulous Friday for you?



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