Eylure Katy Perry False Lashes

By Fashionmakeupandbeauty @_melissajayne

Eylure Katy Perry false eyelashes "oh, Honey" I bought these from a shop that we have in England called Bodycare that sells items at a reduced price so instead of paying just over £5 for these i got them for £3.99 they had the whole range for this price except the fuller double one which where £1 more. I decided to pick up these as i could wear these for everyday use and at the same time they are also noticeable as i don't really do subtle make-up on myself.
They are really easy to apply and comes with a tube of eyelash adhesive to apply them with, which i think out of all the adhesive i have tried on the market Eylure has the best.

After applying the lashes they looked like this you can still see the white of the lashes but that are easily hidden with abit of black shadow or liner.

The length is only a little bit longer than my own lashes except the outside corners.
The overall look with them on I find really quite natural on myself with a neutral eyeshadow and pink lips.

Hair for the day as I was only going into town to run a few errands was a simple messy bun. 

If i have missed anything you would like to know just leave a comment and i will get back to you
Much Love