Eyes, Lips, & Curls Prize!

By Urhappybunnie @joaniebunnie
A month ago or so Courtney of Eyes, Lips & Curls messaged me that I won her Eyes Giveaway. I honestly can't remember that I entered her giveaway but I was just so happy and thankful for Courtney. So a few  weeks ago I finally received the prize and she told me it was delayed so much because she wanted to get me one of the new Spring Collection set from Wet n Wild. That was really so sweet of her!
When I opened her package up I can't believe the things she put it in.

Thank you so much Courtney! I'm sorry it took so long to post this up since I've been so busy lately working and get this, I'm suddenly leaving for a 3 months vacation in the Philippines! I'm still going to have that giveaway just like I promised probably in three weeks. That's probably the time when I'll be free and back to my normal blogging schedule. I am so excited to do the giveaway. Thank you so much to all my followers and I hope you continue to support me and my blog even if I'll be MIA for a few weeks. I was going to have some queued posts but it just isn't possible with all the things I've been doing as of the moment.
I guess I'll see you guys in 3 weeks! Thanks again Courtney!! :)