Expressive Photography

By Jenrene

I found this cool book today that should have some cool stuff in it for PHOTO LOVERS… Its’ calledExpressive Photography“. ( You can tell why I love the name, right?)

 I plan to save up to get this one to add to my picture book  repertoire.

Shutter Sisters is a really cool group of women who I love their work They are very cultural deep, and gifted sisters who love sharing their hearts and minds, and if you love Expressive Voices, you will love their work also, and what they do. They do things called the one word project that i have in mind for The Kamau Voice Blog I also have, and also for Expressive Voices. Except I wont’ do it quite with pictures, but with words.

 I was thinking of making awesome collage, because I love words and scrapbooking so much, but then I decided : “I love words so much better right now than pictures, why not just use my WORDS to frame my mindset and what I desires to communicate? SO I began to work on my one word project, as well. ( smile)

 So I will create my word collage and then use it in a setting I am proud to have FINALLY created a space for my book: My proofreading party and introduction! ~ for me with my book: Red Sea Situations that will be coming out later  this year. What I plan to do with the book is to use it as a launch pad  for Expressive Voices. To use the bOok as a luanching pad for EXPRESSIVE work and detail about what the book is really about, if you will. I will share more pictures here of my word collage before October is up! So come back to this blog post! Smile.

 I want to one day create a dream lab like this person: jenlemen, who is a creative radical! I so get what she wants out there int he world, and I fully embrace her raft!  ( smile) *( Check out her blog by clicking on her name).