Exhibition at DCA Gallery

By Benheine @BenHeine

Pencil Vs Camera 7 (signed print) - Bart Verhelle and Ben Heine

Some photos of the opening of my exhibition at DCA Gallery in Brussels the 30th of January 2014. The exhibition presents many Pencil Vs Camera signed prints and goes on until the 22nd of March 2014, more info HERE. It was a great pleasure to see so many good friends, art lovers and visitors who came sometimes from very far away to attend the vernissage.

Entrance of DCA Gallery, Avenue Louise, Brussels, Belgium

Dead or alive? Ben fooling around with good friend Thomas Morret

Najwa Borro, an amazing friend and lovely business partner 

Photo taken at the gallery for Het Laatste Nieuws

Art, people and emotions during the vernissage 

Art, people and emotions during the vernissage 

Photo taken at the gallery for Het Laatste Nieuws

Geoffroy Coomans de Brachène, Virginie Guillaume and Ben Heine

Photo for a report in Het Laatste Nieuws

Artist Pedro Correa (right side) came to say hello  =)

Ben Heine with family members

Yep, funny colorful visitors

Discovering a lovely gift from school students

We placed that one at the top of the wall  =D

Ben with visitors and friends at the opening

With Chun Gan, Chinese journalist

Stephanie Manasseh (Accessible Art Fair founder) and Najwa Borro

Ben Heine with grandfather and mother

Visitors and friends at the opening

Discovering a lovely gift from school students

Visitors and friends at the opening

Visitors and friends during the opening

DCA Gallery team, Ben Heine and Geoffroy Coomans de Brachène

DCA Gallery team, Ben Heine and Delphine Bourgeois

Visitors and friends during the opening

Virginie Guillaume, Ben Heine and Delphine Bourgeois

Belgian Consul in Seoul Pierre Steverlynck and Ben Heine

Visitors and friends during the opening

Visitors and friends during the opening

Ben Heine and Damien Paul Gal

Visitors and old friends during the opening

Gallery owner Virginie Guillaume and Agent Najwa Borro

Exhibition Invitation

© 2014 Ben Heine