Exciting Times Upon Us

By Nesheaholic @nesheaholic
I'm about to start a series of events that I've been seeing coming for a few months now. I've been trying hard not to anticipate everything and just live in the moment, but FINALLY, things are about to get rolling!

This weekend I'll be going to Portland, OR for a marketing conference. A few weeks after that I'll be going on a cruise to the Bahamas with Hubs. Following that will be Thanksgiving, the first Thanksgiving in our house that won't just be Hubs and I. My Mom, her husband, my sister and my niece will be coming! That means a little more pressure on the cooking, but I'm looking forward to spending the day in the kitchen with my mom. 

Moving into December, I'll be going to New Orleans for another conference, and then there is Christmas in Connecticut, and then New Years! These next two months are going to fly by, I'm sure of it. 

In other news, our staff did a group Batman costume theme for Halloween and had an awesome time. More pictures on my Instagram (@nesheaholic). 

How's everyone been doing? Any fun holiday plans?