Exams? Yup, I Failed Them All!

By Hollysbeautybox @hollysbeautybox
So many people have been tweeting about their exams and how proud or disappointed they were with their results. Well I thought I would tell you all a little somethin' somethin' that may surprise you.
When I was 17 and in my final year of high school, I failed every single exam. Yup, every single one.

At school I was a bit of a teachers pet, I always tried my best at my studies and revised a lot, but during my final year at school, my priorities became more about socializing than education and I didn't work hard enough at revising for my exams. I took part in singing competitions and helped with the school shows but because of that, I kind of spread myself too thin. (Me? thin? shocking.)
I was really gutted at failing my exams, I was embarrassed, I cried a lot and I was ashamed to tell my parents, but eventually, I dusted myself off and thought of a new plan.
School can be hard, but failing my exams was probably one of the best things that could have happened to me.  I decided to repeat my school year, and despite the never ending stream of jokes from my class "mates", I worked hard that year, aside from working my bum off, I did positive things like become a mentor to younger students, I helped people where I could and formed new friendships by controlling the volume of my voice and not squealing when I laughed. (Damn, I was a cool kid!)
I passed all of my exams, except for one. I didn't fail because I didn't try and so I was quite proud of that. I was satisfied with my efforts and results. Passing exams is important, but self worth, trying hard and learning life's lessons is definitely more important.
Have I used anything I learned at high school? Eh, I can hold a conversation about world war I & II but aside from that Pythagoras theory and knowing the speed of sound and light has never been required in my adult life.
In fact, I so desperately wanted better exam results because I wanted to go to a good University to study History with the end goal of being a Scottish Historian, I ended up deciding after all of that studying that I didn't want to go to Uni and instead worked in an IT business with my parents before eventually starting my blog & youtube channel which I do full time.
Exams? Meh!
If you've failed your exams or didn't get the results you were hoping for, make a new plan, work hard and go get it! You can do it, I have every faith in you. If all else fails, exams and school are not the be-all and end-all. Just look at me! I turned out alright.
Let me know in the comments if you've been doing your exams and how you've got on!
All My Love
Holly  xxxxxxx