Everthing You Need to Know About Whatsstatus.com

By Shivalisingla

Do you not use Whatsapp? You do, right? Also, changing or putting up a New Whatsapp Status every single day once or maybe twice or maybe once in a few days is a habit of all of us. Well, if I talk about me, I post a Whatsapp status at least thrice a day. So, I am always looking out for new Whatsapp statuses so I don’t end up posting the same every few days.

We google a new Whatsapp Status Video or a unique status almost every day. We look out for variety when it comes to sharing our emotions or mood through the status that we post especially the teenagers. So, I came across this website called Whatsstatus.com when I was looking for a status to post.

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The most I liked about the website is that they didn’t have those repeated or copied status or videos. I was really glad to have found it as I now can directly to this website instead of wandering or googling so many other with a little hope to find one unique status or more.

Also, I am really glad that Abhinav Jain (Ceo & Founder of Whatsstatus.com) came up with something like this. Here is another thing about the website that you can also sign up, contribute and earn. They pay Rs 1/ Approved Status for 1 to 200 Whatsapp Status, and Rs 2 / Approved Status after 200 Status. Isn’t this cool?

Here is a snapshot of the whole process:

how whatsstatus work

I guess you must have found something very useful today and I highly suggest you check out their website and go through their amazing collection of Whatsapp Status and videos in Hindi and English both.

I hope this article has been helpful. Stay tuned for more. Also, If you like the post, then please don’t forget to share this post with your loved ones.

Until then!

P.S: Pictures credit goes to Whatsstatus.com