Event: Utt and Sara Wee Are SK-II’s New It Guy and It Girl

By Beautifulbuns

The epitome of reaching the peak of blogdom – getting invited to an SK-II event woooohahahahahaha. But the downside of this is that I had to act high-class (local slang would be atas). Thus, a slight decrease in the number of photos is unavoidable.

Two empty chairs…

Valerie Lim and Global Brand Manager Pepe Torres giving the introductory speech. Notice the distance at which this photo was taken from – I was standing superrrr close to them.

And the It Guy Utt and It Girl Sara Wee arrive!

An extra photo of Utt cos he looked so spiffy – yes yes I know what his orientation is.

Using SK-II’s Magic Ring to take a photo of Sara’s face for diagnosis

Her spot control is at the level of a 16-year-old. woahhhh. Ok no need to be jealous – I’m doing pretty well with a 22-year-old’s spot control.

Sara wowing us with her performance – and I do mean wow. I normally hate live band performances cos I have to stand there and make polite nods with my head. This time, I quietly stood there and enjoyed the music. She asked for dedications, and I was really tempted to go “Could you do an acoustic Gangnam Style?”

Selected for their confidence, good skin and ability to inspire/influence others – presenting Utt and Sara Wee, SK-II’s new It Guy and Girl! -clap clap clap-