Event: Maybelline’s Wild Night Out at Mink

By Beautifulbuns

It’s been a while since I’ve gotten news from Maybelline – not sure why though. Maybe I’m not born it with? lol. Anyhoooos, here’s what went down last night at the Maybelline Wild Night Out Parteh at Mink.

Anything with animal preens is so up my alley. Why pass up a good opportunity to wear my 1,001 animal preen dresses? I had to attend.

So with GI-Joe precision, I planned with my kaki Christina and Cindy – we would arrive at 9.30 so that we could get first dibs on the makeover. But as with all grand plans, this one failed.

Look at the super long queue for a makeover! What’s more it was outdoors… meh.. sweaty pits aren’t sexay.

Oh well, since I couldn’t get near a makeover booth, I contented myself by taking photos of the lucky ladies who had the tolerance to queue and the tenacity to prevent overflowing pits.

Ooh photo opps! I can’t help but to go “here.. kitteh kitteh kitteh” haha

The lovely ladies from Mink decked out in well.. not mink. but they were defo sporting enough to be gamely posing the entire night

The kitteh in black is the cutest! She slithers up and goes “Y U no take photo of me?!”

Take photos of alllll the kittehs!

Oh yes, there were normal guests too. I -think- these are bloggers. The girl in the center looks familiar.

Free tattoos! Christina got the nicest star one but I totally forgot to take a photo of it. heh.

Enough fooling around outside – it’s time to head in! One last shot before it gets too dark to take a proper shot (flash is baddddddd, always remember that). The music was pretty damn decent, and we even got 5 free drinks. Each. Mink/Maybelline sure are generous

In fact, they even gave out 200 goodie bags to the first 200 consumers – which for some strange reason, the staff insisted on giving me despite me having the media tag. Thankfully, the new Maybelline girl (who is OH SO DAMN PRETTY) was so gracious and helped me to swop to the normal press bag. Otherwise, I prolly wouldn’t be able to do my review on the new mascara (i pwomise it’ll be up soon

And the last one for the night – some Instagram mini contest. I’m just posting it cos it’s the only decent photo of me. heh.