Event: Boss Jour Pour Femme

By Beautifulbuns

I’ve totally had a girl-crush on Gwyneth Paltrow since Seven and Sliding Doors, the latter in particular. If you haven’t watched it, omg you’ve totally missed out. Even though I must admit I’ve got a pretty low threshold for entertainment, Sliding Doors totally blew my mind and gave me a new perspective on life (I mean, I was just in JC during those days, and still so young, fresh and impressionable hurhurhur).

Anyhoos, I’m glad to say I totally had foresight in choosing my idols – Gwyneth has now become one of the most stylish actresses in Hollywood (sans her wardrobe malfunction at the Iron Man 3 premiere – totally aghast-), and has now become the face for the new fragrance from Boss, the Boss Jour pour Femme, which was launched last week at Ion Sky.

Walking into a Gwyneth exhibition at ION Sky

Gwyneth! I see Gwyneth everywhereeeee muahaha

There’s even a supposed Gwyneth dressing table – I’d like to think she’s more of a clean-line furniture lady though.

Some scenes behind the making of the commercial

And finally, the star of the day (besides Gwyneth of course) – the new Boss Jour pour Femme, inspired by the light (and therefore the launch event was held at ION sky, since it does have a lot of light). I also see how it totally resembles Gwyneth – white, gold (blonde) and classic.

The Niot amd Jour versions – I’m liking the Jour version more cos it’s lighter with its notes of lime, grapefruit blossom, lily, freesia and honeysuckle.

Very purdee perfume tester sheets

And I totally couldn’t resist doing this to my photo – I was washing my hands after doing mah business in the toilet when ta-dah! suddenly I see this Boss Jour pour Femma body wash sitting innocently, perched at the most precarious corner of the wash basin.  I swear it was squeaking out “use me! use me!” and so I did. Heh. It left my hands feeling clean, soft and smelling gooooood (although the fragrance wasn’t as long-lasting as the body moisturiser)

Boss Jour pour Femme (should be) available at all leading department stores now. Lemme check for details and get back to you on pricing.

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