Evening Skincare Routine

By Misssarahlouise

 Like every girl I love a good pamper. So as soon as I get in from work, college or anywhere else the first thing I do is put my pajamas on and remove my make up. I will admit that some evenings I feel lazy and just do a quick cleanse however most of the time, I fully remove my make up to leave my skin feeling clean and fresh. 

Firstly I apply my cleanser using a few cotton pads, I'm currently using the S&G Peaches and Clean cleanser. I sweep this all over my face until the make up and any rubbish on the surface of my skin is removed. I then use a little more cleanser to remove my eye make up. Then I rinse off the cleanser using warm water.
Once that is removed, I dab my face with a towel so that my skin is slightly damp. I then use Sanctuary's Purifying Wash. I take a small blob of this and gently massage it all over my face using my fingertips. I love this product as it foams into a nice lather and makes my skin feel soft. I then rinse this off with warm water and dry my face. 
Finally, I moisturise using Simples Hydrating Moisturiser. It's not in the picture above but it's always been an essential in my daily skincare routine. 

I don't use a toner as I all the ones I have tried do nothing but dry my skin out and make it feel very tight, so I skip this step. About 3 times a week I will use a masque. It will either be Neutrogenas' 'Visibly Clear 2 in 1', or S&G's 'Scrub Your Nose In It'. I find S&G's masque better for days when my skin is having a bad day and if any horrible spots appear, and I find the Neutrogena masque good for days when my skin isnt't so bad, yet I feel like it could do with some TLC.

And finally twice a week I use Sanctuary's Radiance Exfoliator. I take a small blob of this and massage it into my face using my fingertips in deep circular motions. I love this product as its quite an abrasive exfoliator, so it really removes any dead skin cells and helps to clear up my skin, leaving my complexion looking healthier and brighter. 
So thats my evening skin care routine. I've always tried to take good care of my skin and the condition of it has changed over the past few years. My morning routine is slightly different so if you would like to hear about that please leave me a comment. If you have blogged about your evening skincare routine, please don't hesitate to leave a link in the comments, I'd love to give it a read.