Even More Children’s Books Translated for Your Convenience (Italian-English)

By Heddigoodrich
How Do Dinosaurs Say Good Night? by Jane Yolen and Marke Teague
tradotto da me / translated by me 
Come va a nanna un dinosauro quando viene il papà a salutarlo?
How does a dinosaur say good night when Papa comes in to turn off the light?
Sbatte la coda e fa il musetto?
Does a dinosaur slam his tail and pout?
Getta per aria il suo orsetto?
Does he throw his teddy bear all about?
Grida, urla e batte i piedini quando vuole un’altro dei libricini?
Does a dinosaur stomp his feet on the floor and shout: “I want to hear one book more!?”
Disturba perfino i vicini?
Come va a nanna un dinosauro quando viene la mamma a salutarlo?
How does a dinosaur say good night when Mama comes in to turn off the light?
Comincia la testa ad oscillare?
Does he swing his neck from side to side?
A cavalluccio vuole per forza andare?
Does he demand a piggyback ride?
Si lagna, sospira e si sconsola?
Does he mope, does he moan, does he sulk, does he sigh?
Piange disperato sopra le lenzuola?
Does he fall on the top of his covers and cry?
Ma no…I dinosauri neppure ci pensano. Dànno un bacio.
No, dinosaurs don’t. They don’t even try. They give a big kiss.
Poi la luce spengono.
They turn out the light.
Sotto le coperte si rannicchiano, e dopo la “Buona notte”, zittiscono.
They tuck in their tails. They whisper, “Good night!”
Dànno un abbraccio fortissimo e un’altro bacio dolcissimo.
They give a big hug, then give one kiss more.
Buona notte. Buona notte, piccolo dinosauro.
Good night. Good night, little dinosaur.