Eva Marie Saint by Philippe Halsman

By Hanine

Eva Marie Saint by Philippe Halsman (1954).

“Philippe Halsman, with an unsurpassed 101 LIFE magazine covers to his credit, had the bold and unconventional idea back in the 1950’s to ask the famous and prominent people he was commissioned to photograph for the likes of LIFE, LOOK and the Saturday Evening Post, once the formal sessions were over, to jump!  The results were amazing, as each subject interpreted this bizarre request in their own unique way, often defying their typical public image.  Philippe Halsman was born in Latvia in 1906, and began his photographic career in Paris in the early 1930’s. He emigrated to New York in the fall of 1940, as Paris fell to the Nazis. He soon became one of the most prominent photographers in America., his photographs published widely and regularly. He died in 1979. His photographs have been collected and exhibited by museums around the world.” (laurencemillergallery.com)

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For a “Yugoslavian” poster of Psycho, click here

Eva Marie Saint by Philippe Halsman