Estee Lauder Foundation

By Littlemissliza @littlemissliza
Hello there fellow beauty followers. I am writing this post as I am a little stuck on what to do next in terms of my foundation use. I have troubled skin. I suffer from acne (not majorly compared to others). It is a problem I have endured since my early teens. It was at one point very severe and I had tried many different drugs that were prescribed by my doctor. I remember being very upset. Unfortunately I am still very upset ha. My skin was so bad i ended up on a drug treatment call roaccutane. It was the devil. It basically shut down all of my sebaceous glands as my skin was producing too much oil. I remember a period of time when my skin had the acne spots but was also painfully dry. It was a very harsh treatment but after many months it was amazing. I had spot free skin for the first time in a long time. I had to beg the consultant at the hospital to prescribe me it but she did and I will always be thankful. Unfortunately my skin has become a problem again for the past 5 years (10 years after the roccutane). They are not normal spots. The are deep and sore and hang around for months. Again, I have gone to my doctors for treatment but nothing has worked. I am now using tea tree again to help create the pain and I am going to book ANOTHER appointment with my doctor to get referred.
Now the situation I face is as can I hide the unsightly areas of my face that has the problem scene. Well I asked my friends and many suggested Estee Lauder double wear. So I did. The coverage is totally amazing. I really like this product. my skin doesn't react badly to it...probs because it is lanolin free which is always helpful! The coverage does seem to last a really long while. It is expensive but well worth the money. I have tried many foundations as I am sure many people have, and they often 'fall off' or 'slide off the face', but this one stays put! Well worth it! Th sonly problem  have with it is that I do not seem to find the right color to match my skin. I have pale first I bought the 'Shell' was too then I tried 'Fresco' looks great on my face but once you look at my jaw line it is too obvious I am wearing it and that it doesn't match on this area of my i went back and asked for testers...i had spent so much money already and not getting the right color. The ladies at ester lauder were very helpful and allowed me to take away a few testers...i tried the 'Ecru' which was too light just like the 'Shell' I also tried the normal wear 'ivory beige' I think it was...but again too dark...... I have tried mixing my 'Shell' with my 'Fresco' but that doesn't work haha i really want to find a color with ester lauder as i really love their product and the coverage it gives me. I have been told that they will be bringing out some more colours soon...I sure hope so!!!!! I want to get the right color so i don't end up looking like a ghost or a humpa lumpa!!!! Because that would just look wrong hahaha!!!!!! Any advice for me..please let me know