Essie Mint Candy Apple and Butter London Dodgy Barnett

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi everyone!!!
It's the first Monday of 2015 and I have a fun mani to share with you for Monday Blues!  I still can't believe it's 2015, can you?

For this mani, I used Essie Mint Candy Apple as my base, a polish that was on my wish list for a long time.  I finally got it from Amazon a month ago.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Like most pastels, the formula was streaky and required care upon application.  Mint Candy Apple was opaque in two coats though.  Here I used two coats with Out the Door Top Coat.
I then used Stuck on Love Nail Shields from Love Angeline to create the design below.  I added a coat of Dodgy Barnett, a gorgeous silver/gray holo, then removed the shields.  Finally I topped it off with Out the Door top coat.

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

Artificial Light

While this mani took way longer that I expected it to, I was really happy with how it turned out.  The design is such a fun one and I really love Mint Candy Apple and Dodgy Barnett together.
What do you guys think of this mani?  Do you have any of these polishes?