Essence - Applause, Applause

By Marijonails @marijonails
Hi everyone!!
I have a lovely Essence polish to share with you that I received from my polish buddy Cheryl (@cherily on Instagram).  Applause, Applause is from Essence's Circus Circus line and it's a dual ended polish.  On one end there is a cherry red creme and on the other end, there is a red glitter in a clear base.  I decided to add the glitter as an accent nail.
Orly Nail Defense was my base and Seche Vite was my top coat.

Artificial Light

The creme has a really great formula.  It's fully opaque in two coats and applies really well.  The glitter was great too.  There was great coverage and I used two coats of it.

Natural Light

Natural Light


I have a lot of reds, but I really loved this one.  I think it's so pretty!!  The glitter went really well with it also.
What do you guys think of these two polishes?