One thing that I've always believed and did my best to practice is enjoying your life right where you are. God's word makes it clear that He came so we could have life and have life more abundantly. So whether you are single or married, there is no excuse. There is something or someone that we can give God praise for! If the prospect of finding Mr. right looks dim right now, well you can praise God for not having married Mr. Wrong. You have the opportunity to continue to grow and do so much for the Kingdom of God as a single. Remember, the key is being so busy about God's business, a man of God will stop and take notice:) For married women, if things aren't going so perfect in the married life, put that at the altar with God, and make sure you are creating a life that is full and vibrant of the things you enjoyed before you said "I do." Were you working out before? Don't stop now. Do you enjoy "Praise dance classes"? Get back to it! Like to volunteer with children, the homeless? Whatever your passion-music, volunteering, teaching? Keep at it! Keeping passion alive in your own life helps you to have a stronger marriage because you are not obsessing about it all day! So be blessed my sisters, because you are blessed! Be sure to enjoy this video of the month: short clip by John Gray (funny and inspirational) Remember to be the best and receive God's Best!!!!! Love ya, Jeannine Oree An inspirational book to inspire single women of all ages!!!!