Endurance : (My Photographer’s Choice.)

By Jenrene

Whew! This Photographer’s Choice Challenge deal was kind of hard to do!
I love taking pics of serenity, and the older I become and value it, the better it becomes!

I thought of how trying to express myself through my photography involves  sharing the thought behind my pictures. But if I told you every thought, the pictures would not really be from my creative gut, now would they?

My Word for 2015 is Endure.

I am sharing pictures that help me thing of endurance in a different light.

I thought about looking for something that related to all my pictures, and beauty is one of them, I always see beauty, but the best of what I see is the things other’s seem to miss, I think – if they blink..

My thoughts on my days and especially my best days of photography, are usually  very subdued and the intensity can often be seen in my moods. If you were to stop and talk to me, you would possibly notice I am not very talkative, but thinking…

a drive through Kansas @ sundown.

I can also have a tendency to capture the things that sometimes surprise me….

Or…I find attracts a certain element of  light.

Sometimes… I  am thinking of my future, pondering thoughts really deep, or talking to God and asking him

 about a certain people in my life or  watching closely how the sun hits my subject.

Most of all I love just those “sudden run and get your camera shots”

that look like this, because it expresses my peace…

This last photo was right from my ‘creative gut’, at about 7am in the morning.