Empties of the Month March

By Vivianism @vivianism

I don't usually do favourites post because when I use something good, I usually stick to it bottles after bottles, month after month. So it is kinda meaningless for me to keep posting pictures of the same products month after month. But I reckon a post about my empties might be interesting. I want you to know that when I buy something, I use it and I try my best to finish it before buying!

This month, my empties include Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone Night Creme, Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil, Innisfree Green Tea Pure Cleansing Foam, Nu Skin Exfoliant Scrub and Heroine Make Long and Curl Mascara.

Estee Lauder Advanced Time Zone Night Creme Shu Uemura Cleansing Oil Innisfree Green Tea Pure Cleansing Foam Nu Skin Exfoliant Scrub
Herione Make Long and Curl Mascara

I had a 7ml bottle prior to this. Initially, I didn't quite like it because the texture is pretty hard to blend into the skin and it is quite a thick cream. But after using it for weeks, I noticed how hydrated and plump my skin has become and it's non greasy texture quickly overwrites my initial impression of it. I use a pea size amount every night, rub it against my palm and I apply it onto my skin using pressing motion. During my trip to Australia, I use a little more as the weather is quite dry. t works very well for my combination skin. My sister had a tub of this and she doesn't use it so I took it as soon as I finished my 7ml. It is supposed to erase wrinkles and reverse your age as well.

I am now a fan of Estee Lauder and I'm looking into getting their other lines of moisturizer!

I doubt this needs further introduction. On days when I have heavier makeup, I will definitely use a cleansing oil to cleanse my makeup away. This does a perfect job as it cleans very well, even my waterproof mascara. I don't think it is very oily for a cleansing oil too. Just to note, this can be a little difficult to rinse off but since I double cleanse, I don't find it a big problem.

This was only $10 so I had to try it. I love the light geen tea scent of this cleansing foam. Nowadays, I opt for cleanser that hydrates my skin. This doesn't dry my skin out and my skin always feel fresh and clean after use. Cheap and good, thumbs up!

I got this product for free somewhere. I used it and I love it! The beads of this scrub is fine yet enough for a thorough scrub. It makes my skin smoother and help release dead cells build up and pores impurities! My only problem with this is it is not readily available in Singapore?

This is the only mascara I swear by. It lengthens my lashes and keep them curled all day! Unlike other mascaras, this doesn't weight my lashes down in any bit so my lashes can stay beautifully curled!