Emporium: Gloomy Shadows

Posted on the 07 November 2015 by Hctf @hctf

Ewan McKenzie, the driving force between Scottish indie psychedelic pop project Emporium, isn't very prolific, preferring quality over quantity. The new single Gloomy Shadows is a study in contrasts. The music is almost cheerful with wall-to-wall keyboards, the subject matter is rather glum, and his vocals are a blend of melancholy and hoping for the best: "I try to keep myself upbeat, but it only last a minute".

McKenzie is an original, a crooner in love with Sixties pop. Don't pass on the instrumental version, which is essential to fully appreciate the intricacies of his music. Recommended if you like Barrett-era Pink Floyd and Jacco Gardner.

Gloomy Shadows is released on Whimsical Records. Buy it from iTunes.

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HCTF review of Magical Things.