Emergency Happiness Kit by Viking

By Beautybykaris @beautybykaris

Hey There,

About a month or so ago, I was contacted about Vikings #Emergencyhappiness kit. The idea was that Viking would put together an Emergency Happiness *kit, that would cheer me up, or I could then pass on to a friend… And last week it landed on my doorstep.

I wasn’t sure what to expect, but being a stationary company, I was intrigued to find out what was inside. Some of which were very well thought out ideas, and others just the exact key to my happiness, (Tea and biscuits).

Inside the #Emergencyhappiness kit…

A lucky bag which included a Lotto Hotpicks ticket, (Unfortunately not a winner, and a month out of date). A Lucky penny, and eternal happiness dust.

The support which included Bee shaped seed papers, a pack of pencils and stamp kit, to write to those closest to you, (Or in my case draw and doodle with) post it notes, (To leave happy messages), and sweets.

And at the bottom… Bubble wrap!! And we all like popping bubble wrap right?

What I love about this kit, is it reminds you of the little things that make you happy. Ok yes I would have loved to win on the lottery, but it kinda takes me back to my childhood with the crayons, balloons, sweets and stamps. While the tea and biscuits just remind me, to take a break. Get some me time in,

I haven’t quite decided who to give this to yet, but I have obviously already eaten the biscuits, and had a play with the stamps… So my friend may get half a kit, when they are in need of it, (Oops). In my defence I have had a stressful month with moving house, and this kit definitely came at the right time.

What do you think of the Emergency Happiness kit? What else would you put in there?

See more about their campaign here

Lots of Love,
