Embrace Your Life

By Loveandgrace @loveandgrace20

Embrace your life.  Embrace your single life.  Many of you are already there but some are not; so please, let me explain.

For the last few months I have been on a healthy hair journey.  Over the years I have not valued or treasured the natural texture and color of my hair.  My natural hair is tightly coiled and has been “going gray” since my late teens.

Rather than embracing my hair as it is, I have been resisting it.

I resented my tight, gray curls.  My hair is difficult to manage and if only it were different, I thought I would be more beautiful.  So over the years I have over processed my hair, over manipulated it, and wished I could ignore its existence.

I resisted it…hated it… tried to change it… and my hair has paid the price for my lack of love and embrace.

My hair was splitting, breaking, and shedding on a continuous cycle.  But with little love and care, how could it possibly grow long and healthy?  How can anything grow without receiving love from somewhere?

So why am I sharing my hair story?

Now that I am nurturing and embracing the hair I was given, it reminded me to apply that concept in all areas of my life.  This is what I had to learn to do when I was single. 

Because I was either going to embrace it or go mad! (Smile)

God helped me to embrace my single life instead of resisting it.  Being single for eighteen years was the will of God and I did myself no justice bucking up against the will of the Almighty God!

I took advantage of the opportunities afforded to a single woman.  It took me awhile to discover what those opportunities where because I couldn’t imagine too many things being as worthwhile as having a husband.

Yet, the more I embraced my life (as it was) the more I grew to love it.  And the more I grew to love my life, the more I matured as a woman of God.  And it’s kind of hard to be sad over something that you are falling totally in love with.

I embraced dating and meeting new people.  If the guy I had dinner with was not, “the one”, I chose not to sulk and wonder, “When is it going to be my turn to fall in love?”

I was determined to embrace the experience… have fun… enjoy the food… enjoy the ambiance… and enjoy that someone found me special enough to invite me to dinner.

So I am throwing down a challenge today.  Treat your life like a delicate flower.  Embrace your purity, freedom, and the infinite possibilities of this thing we call life.  Cuddle your life and hold it close.  Life is a gift from God, so allow yourself to live the best life, single or married.

On my healthy hair journey I am learning to resist my hair less and embrace it more.  I handle it delicately and give it what it needs and in return, it is growing longer and stronger than ever before.  I stand in the mirror exploring the tight curls growing from the root.  They coil and turn in every direction.  Now I think they are kind of cute!

What will you begin to admire and appreciate if you take another look at your life?

So here’s the bottom line:

Resisting too much…trying to make too many changes (before it is time), may cause more damage than good.  Embrace where you are now in life for a healthier and stronger YOU.

And a few words from the movie “Rocky” – “Go out and get what you’re worth!”

(Yes, I confess to loving Rocky.)

Love you lots!