Eleven Weeks

By Heathernichole

How far along? Eleven weeks and six days. I thought I was farther along but when I went to see my OB last week she confirmed my due date and I was off by six days. This is the reason why there was no blog post last week. New due date is May 18th 2017. Speaking of blog posts, I promise I'll get better at posting. I have so much to say. I just haven't had the time to gather all my thoughts and type them out. 

Baby's size? Dragon Baby is the size of a Brussels sprout this week. 
Baby's nickname? We have been referring to the baby as "baby". Maternity clothes? Not yet. Exercise? I work out with my trainer once a week and I've been walking. Not as much as I should but as always, I'm a work in progress. My half marathon is quickly approaching so I do need to get my activity levels up. I'm 99% sure I'll be walking that half marathon, by the way. 

Sleep: No lack of sleep for this momma. I get more than eight hours every single night. Best moment this week: Since there were two weeks in between my last post and this one, I'm going to give two of my best moments. The first one was when I was able to see our little one jumping around in my uterus. He or she looked like a jelly bean bouncing all over the place. The doctor had a hard time capturing a photo because of how active he or she was. My OB said the heartbeat looked great also. The second best moment of these last two weeks was celebrating our one year anniversary as husband and wife. 
Miss anything? Not really. 

Movement: This morning I swear I felt the baby moving but I looked it up and it's very unlikely that I felt the baby this early on. 
Food cravings: I had been craving egg nog for a few weeks and it wasn't even in stores yet. My husband found me some this past Saturday. I've been enjoying it in my coffee. 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Unfortunately coffee still is. I have been able to get down lattes from Starbucks much easier than my coffee from home. Also, the thought of anything pumpkin makes me feel ill. 

Gender: Unknown but I have a feeling it's a boy. 

Symptoms: I've still be getting really bad headaches. I spoke with my doctor about this and she told me to take more Tylenol - up to 4,000 mg per day. That scares me a bit. I have only ever taken 1,000 mg in a day and that's only when I can't bare the pain anymore. I told her I think my headaches are from caffeine withdrawals because I went from drinking 3-4 cups throughout the day to only 1 cup in the morning. She told me if the Tylenol does not help to add back in more coffee and slowly cut back. She said if I go over the 200 mg per day it won't do any harm. A friend of mine suggested trying a cup of half caff in the morning and another cup of half caff in the afternoon. I thought that was a great idea because I used to drink at least two cups of coffee in the afternoon. Spreading out my caffeine would probably help. She also read an article and told me about it. Gatorade helps pregnant women with headaches. It's more hydrating than water because of the electrolytes. The last two days I've tried both of her suggestions and my headaches are not completely gone but they are soooo much better! Wedding rings on or off? Still on and my husband gave me a new wedding band for our anniversary. I told him I wanted a solid rose gold band to represent the solid foundation during our first year of marriage. 
Happy or moody most of the time: Happy! I have nothing to complain about. 
Looking forward to: Finding out the sex of our baby so we can start getting the nursery ready. We will know this month!