Time management is an important aspect of co-ordinating any work based project. Simple tasks can detract from the overall organisational goal if time is not planned effectively. Below we offer 18 simple tips for improving your working life, tips that can allow you to focus on any given project and declutter the mind.
Time Management Free Tips
1 ) Stop multi-tasking. Focus on a single task rather than many.
2 ) Set deadlines. Set realistic deadlines for both the project being managed as well as any associated tasks.
3 ) Prioritise tasks. Work logically through a list of all tasks in the project and prioritise those that are central to its success.
4 ) Remove distractions. Set aside time to remove anything that may distract you from the task at hand. Setting separate times to do research or send / read emails will mean that you can concentrate on the project without getting drawn into a conversation that may be better dealt with at a different time. If you plan to work on the project and must review emails or make related phone calls make sure they are relevant only to the task at hand.
5 ) Keep your mind fresh. Take breaks, especially if working at a screen, and plan to take breaks regularly. If you don’t you are more likely to become stressed and unable to complete even the simplest elements of your job.
6 ) Work when most productive. People perform better at different times of the day. Learn your own patterns and stick to them where possible.
7 ) Set reminders. If you are prioritising tasks and setting deadlines, make sure you have a process in place to remind you when to move on. It is easy to become focused on a single task and suddenly find that time set aside for other equally important elements have been missed. Use online tools. your phone or your email software to text / email you reminders in advance of the next task.
8 ) Turn off email desktop or phone alerts. It is all well and good closing down your email software to remove it as a distraction but this isn’t helped if your phone suddenly tells you that you have new email.
9 ) Batch your tasks. When prioritising tasks make sure anything that is related is done during the same dedicated time slot. Batching tasks can be a highly productive way of dealing with multiple elements of a project without “multi-tasking”. If an item isn’t a related task, assign it its own specific time.
10 ) Decline additional commitments. If you have deadlines to meet on a project, don’t agree to take on additional work. Likewise, plan time for chores, hobbies outside of the time you’ve put aside for your project.
11 ) Tidy your workspace. Believe it or not clutter will distract you from the task at hand. Before you start any stage of a project, clean your workspace and you’ll find it easier to focus.
12 ) Get more organised. If you don’t, you’ll become distracted. Some people believe that they can work without any proper planning. It may seem like a waste of time but you have to factor in the unknown. Things can change quickly in any work environment and you need time and space to react. Only by being organised in advanced can you adjust your plans accordingly and still stay on track.
13 ) Get in a routine. Stick to your work plan. There is no point putting time aside to work on a project if you are going to suddenly deviate from it. The most successful workers are organised, plan out every element of a job and stick to it unconditionally.
14 ) Manage your stress. Planning doesn’t just apply to the project. A good work – life balance needs to be planned also. Make time for hobbies, family and other outside commitments and you’ll find you are more likely to stay focused when you need to work on the project.
15 ) Delegate tasks. This is the downfall of many, not delegating tasks appropriately. If your project involves a team, make sure the other members know when to step in. If it doesn’t make sure you are comfortable in delegating unrelated tasks to ensure you remain focused on the job at hand.
16 ) Break big projects into steps. Self explanatory and useful in helping you batch tasks together without getting lost multi-tasking several elements at once.
17 ) Only take on what you can finish. Don’t oversell yourself or over commit. Only promise what you can achieve.
18 ) Only focus on what matters. Identifying what are key elements in any given task and what is unnecessary helps streamline any process. By constantly reviewing your progress and using these key elements as indicators you will be able to steer clear of obstacles and concentrate on the end game.
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