Eight Years, Same Heart

By Townhousepalette @townhousepal

Hello everyone~ It has been approximately one year since I last published a blog post on this site. So it has been a very HOT minute since we last spoke.

Today is December 27, which marks Townhouse Palette's 8th birthday on the internet. Wild, right? Even though I have not published anything on this website during 2019, it still managed to stay online so I am taking the birthday.

I do not think there is much to say than to answer a question that a few of you may be asking... why did you stop blogging?

To answer that question, I would just say I was busy during 2019. It was a wild and rewarding year, a lot happened with school, internships and traveling.

But I just wanted to end 2019 by hopping on to give a very warm thank you.
When I look back on my life, I believe this blog was the guiding light that saved me from becoming the worst version of myself.

To be very honest, I was not the best student during middle and high school and I constantly put pressure on myself to catch up to people I knew and to please my parents. However, I just ended up crippling myself in the process.

It is hard to explain (and I am sorry if this post is very cliche) but this blog, the few friends I made and the readers are what guided me to continue to follow my dreams. I put a lot of work into this blog - some of that time I should have spent studying lol - and although it never really took off, I still do not regret a single second I spent on this blog.

Every time I opened a blank post, took a photo, practiced my makeup skills, it ignited a flame underneath me to continue what I do. If it was not for this blog, I would have ended up majoring in something I really hate and spent so much time just being lost. This blog led me to go to school and learn more about something I am passionate about and I ended up becoming more in love with the subject.

I am extremely grateful for those around me and where I am eight years later. And yes, like everyone, I have my down days and feel like giving up but I am constantly reminded how lucky and privileged I am to have the opportunity to do what I love.

I am currently watching Sailor Moon SuperS and the whole season is about how precious someone's dream is to him or her. It reminded me as we get older, we tend to write off our dreams as a fantasy that will never happen. However, I think continuing to believe in yourself is 90% of the journey.

With that being said, thank you to everyone for reading this blog. I greatly appreciate your time and I am very sorry if this post was cheesy and cliche lol.

If you are wondering what is next for me, I started a podcast! Yes everyone, I actually have no chill and decided to make a beauty podcast. It is called Cute, Kind Of so please take a listen below. You can find it on Apple Podcasts and Spreaker.

To end this post, I want to say here is to new beginnings and never giving up on your dreams! Thank you everyone. You do not know how much your support means to me.

Listen to "#1 I'm back! I graduated and here is my advice to undergraduates" on Spreaker.

Happy New Years ^_^