Eight Obnoxious Toys You Must (Not?) Own

By Bestfunnyblog @bestfunnyblog

The Baby You Can Shave

First off- babies are (usually) born without hair. Why is Japan adding hair to fake babies for children to shave?


No- this isn’t a mass storage device. Plug “it” into your computer and every time you hit the “H” key, its eyes light up. Question is- why was this was ever manufactured? I don’t know, but I want one.

The Doll w/ Amputated Appendages

W.T.F ?? No comment.

Dissection Kit

Gross. Even if this was one of those “at home” dissection science projects for kids- why is the provided specimen a baby kitty?!

You stick your finger in, it makes a pixilated image, and you can poke shit. It’s completely lame. Where do I get one?

Sorry I Am Unintentional

First of all- what is this? I’m assuming it meant to say “Sorry, I didn’t mean to take a shit in the toilet and not flush….but actually I did because I’m cute and have a bedazzled headband”

Do it Yourself Vasectomy

This one is a joke but it needed to be included. It’s a magnet set. Great for the refrigerator. Highly inappropriate.