Eat While You Still Have Teeth, but Not at the Cost of Your Health!

Posted on the 04 February 2020 by Anan Adisa

With the enhancement in food technology, every next person loves trying delicacies to their full extent. Be it a cheese pizza or a burger, each food has its own taste and hence is highly consumed. Not only the kids but also the parents can’t resist themselves when it comes to junk food. Sadly, all these food lead to obesity. Obesity is a condition where a person weighs much more than the actual requirement according to the Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is calculated by dividing the height by weight. If the BMI exceeds 30, a person is said to be obese. It becomes difficult to control the weight once it exceeds the BMI. To overcome this problem of obesity, Forerunners Healthcare Consultants helps you recognize your obese level and provides you with the best weight loss surgery with medical tourism packages in India.

What does weight-loss Surgery Mean?

As the name suggests, weight loss surgery is a surgical method performed to reduce the size of the stomach so that the intake of food is restricted. This is achieved by implanting a medical device (gastric banding) or by diverting a duodenal switch (intestine). There are various types of weight-loss surgeries performed depending upon the patient's age, medical history, weight, addictions and much more. If not taken care of, this condition can severely damage a person’s lifestyle, which can cause depression leaving the patient immobile and worsening the health in particular.

What are the types of Weight-loss Surgery and which one is Safe?

Weight-loss surgery in India limits the risk of medical problems like cardiovascular diseases, blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, depression, and more. Bariatric surgery contributes to the restriction of the amount of food intake, limiting the number of calories you eat and also through malabsorption. Malabsorption shortens the size of small-intestine, which reduces the number of nutrients and calories that the body absorbs. 

Some common types of weight-loss surgery are:

Roux-en-Y gastric bypass

After a Roux-en-Y surgery, food passes directly from the stomach into the jejunum, bypassing the duodenum. This is done with small incisions in the abdomen. The surgeon uses laparoscopy to reduces the size of the upper stomach to the small size of an egg. This, in turn, restricts the number of calories and nutrients. 

Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding

This surgical method shortens the size of the stomach, known as the pouch. The actual capacity and space of the stomach are restricted because of which the patient ends up eating less amount of food. The food bypasses the area of the stomach and intestine. The surgeon uses a laparoscope which allows him to look inside the stomach and perform the surgery. Using this surgical method, the patient recovers quite soon, hence highly recommended by the surgeons.

Sleeve Gastrectomy

Sleeve gastrectomy, also called a vertical sleevegastrectomy, is another surgical weight-loss procedure. This procedure involves inserting small instruments through multiple small incisions in the upper abdomen through a laparoscope. During sleeve gastrectomy Surgery, about 80% of the stomach is removed, leaving a tube-shaped stomach about the size and shape of a banana. It limits the size of the stomach and restricts the amount of food that is consumed.

Duodenal switch with biliopancreatic diversion

This procedure is the same as the previous one, in addition to connecting the small pouch directly to the small intestine, bypassing the remaining parts of the small intestine. This surgery usually has higher risk rates, due to which it is not recommended by the surgeons.

What are the benefits of weight loss surgery?

The most noticeable benefit is, of course, the weight-loss. Although it depends upon the type of surgery undertaken, the person loses up to 80 percent of the weight post-surgery. This journey from fat to fit caters a natural look with greater confidence and self-esteem. Once a person is comfortable enough in his own skin, everything else is just a cake-walk. 
Other benefits include a reduced rate of obesity-related issues & have a normal life expectancy. All those activities that you once thought of performing, would now be fulfilled. Once the pretty dresses fit you, your charming smile would be quite addictive. Altogether, your quality of life would be amazing thereafter.

How much does weight loss surgery cost?

Once you have made up your mind for weight loss surgery, the cost that you spend is secondary. The primary objective is the return of smile after long depressive years. Anyhow, the cost of weight-loss surgery in India won’t burn a hole in your pocket for sure. 
The average cost of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgery in India is around $3020.28 - $6668.52 the surgery cost depends upon various other factors. And these factors are somewhere or the other linked or attached to the patients and their health. The factors due to which the laparoscopic Bariatric surgery cost varies are as follows:
• Patient’s health before surgery. • Type of surgery to be done. • Type of medication given. • Medicines provided, etc

Why People choose India for Weight-loss Surgery?

India is the most well-known destination for bariatric surgeries as it has the best hospitals and also the laparoscopic bariatric surgery cost in India is comparatively very low. Obese folks from several corners of the world, visit India for their treatment & receives excellent treatment by the most experienced surgeons and doctors. Providing quality treatment at affordable costs is the main target of Indian surgeons.