For those of you who didn't know, over in my private, non-Facebook, BNV Community we have been reading Dr. McDougall's The Starch Solution in our Book Club.
And one thing that caught my eye was a study by the University of Michigan where they gave 16 overweight college guys 12 slices of bread to eat in addition to their normal diet - and they all lost weight!
So we tried it ourselves by doing an Eat More Starch Challenge.

So How Did It Go?
I'll be the first to admit, this was harder to do than I thought, as the first few weeks that I intentionally tried to eat more - I gained weight. Probably because I already eat a lot of starch.
And well, getting this nasty flu bug really put a damper on things too.
I think if you are a SAD-eating person, who has some considerable weight to lose, this approach would be a good place to start, as you will eventually crowd out the meat & dairy with all the extra starches.
But for me - considering I already eat a mostly starch-based diet - it was a fail.
Looking back though, to what HAS worked ....
My 2021 Challenge
I purposely cut back on the fattier whole foods, I exercised every day, and I vlogged about it on YouTube every single day.....and I dropped some major weight,
Of course, this was all based on the steps I took after my stroke to get off the medications. So I KNOW it works. I've done it. Twice!
And I remember some of the comments from my readers who were doing it with me,
Another lady totally reversed her Diabetic Retinopathy!
So I think I am going to get back on THIS wagon for 2023.
Because I would really like to see my weight get back to the 180s again, and have blood pressure numbers that are normal.
I think the only reason I stopped last time was that it became such a pain to upload to YouTube every day. But now I don't upload at all - so....yeah - I NEED to do this again.
Too early for a New Year's Resolution?
What do you all think.......anyone care to join me?