Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer Woman Don’t Take Serious (Lumps Are Not Only Sings of Breast Cancer)

By Jeak @mylifeandheath

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Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer Woman Don’t Take Serious (Lumps Are not Only Sings of Breast Cancer)

Regular mammography screening finds most breast cancers in the USA at an early stage, but not all cases are found through it, which is why you need to learn how to recognize the warning signs. They are the same for all women, and the most common and earliest signs are a change in the look or feel of the breast or the nipple. Of course, not all changes mean that you’re suffering from cancer, which is why you need to visit a doctor after noticing them.

Breast pain is also a symptom of breast cancer, but it is more commonly associated with benign breast conditions. Lumps in the breasts are usually not a big cause of concern, but if the lumps are harder or feel different from the rest of the breast tissue, they need to be checked. The lump may be a sign of breast cancer or some benign condition. You should see a doctor if you find a lump that feels different from the rest of the breast, a lump that feels different from the other breast or finding a lump that wasn’t there before.

Although it may end up being something completely benign, you will be more relaxed after getting the symptom checked. If you had a benign lump in the past, never assume that a new lump is also benign – it could be a sign of breast cancer.

If you experience nipple discharge, it is a problem, but rarely a sign of breast cancer. A liquid discharge is your body’s natural reaction to your breast being squeezed, but it could also indicate a serious condition if the discharge occurs without squeezing, occurs in only one breast or is bloody or completely clear.

Nipple discharge can also be caused by infections or other conditions, which is why you need to visit a doctor after noticing the symptom.

Early Warning Signs of Breast Cancer Woman Don’t Take Serious (Lumps Are not Only Sings of Breast Cancer)