Dubai Fitness Challenge

Posted on the 29 May 2019 by Dubai City Company @iqdubaicity

Dubai Fitness Challenge - Over 1 million people already took part in 30 minutes 30 days challenge!

Last year I saw many postings from the crown prince of Dubai his highness HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum, where he conducted the thirty minutes exercise every day for thirty days.

Motivation from the crown prince of Dubai

His highness HH Sheikh Hamdan Bin Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum

It was quite an impressive idea and I personally liked it. So far as I remember it was a mix and match of activities like walk, jog, exercise, play any sport etc. I would like to see the crown prince making it a little bit tougher for the people this time and increase the time span from 30 minutes to 45 minutes.
In addition, the activities can be combined into many forms like walk, jog, run, cardio, gymming, yoga, kickboxing, playing football, cricket, basketball etc. People can choose three activities for this. Each of the activities you can split into 15 minutes. It can be a walk, run, jog for 45 minutes each 15 minutes or walk, runs and play. The combination may vary from person to person according to body type, metabolism, age etc.

Dubai Fitness Challenge 30 minutes 30 days challenge
Credit: Fazza Instagram

Once people choose the activities they have to maintain a spreadsheet for each day's activities. When you maintain a record, a daily track you will be more focused towards your goal. Also while conducting this challenge share some healthy tips to the people regarding diet, sleeping hours, fluid intake etc. should be provided. Let there be proper plan and execution, which in turn is going to benefit the people of Dubai.

Set the goal be a healthy person in Dubai

The plans for this activity is going to be properly organized, I am sure it will be. Those who have health issues can consult their respective doctors before they start. Therefore, the kind of precautions also is taken before. The preparatory for this event needs to be done prior to one month and the communication to people needs to go to the people well in advance.

Social media plays a vital role in promoting this kind of activities so why not use and promote this before so that the message reaches to the common man. The ways to promote may be through nice hoardings, small videos, emails, pamphlets etc. Let it be as much creative as possible. People can challenge each other while participating in the activities.

What about the start and end date? May be it can start in the beginning of the week. Suppose you start on Sunday let it finish on a weekday. The reason I insist on the starting of the week is, a fresh week, fresh day and people will have lot of enthusiasm.

Dubai Fitness Challenge - Here to Start Your Own Fitness Group!

For any event, if people are rewarded then it will be great. The rewards can be in the form of money, gift vouchers, healthy subscriptions etc. Just spread the message to all the organizations may be government or private, any industry let them promote it from the ground level. If the bigger organizations life Dubai airport authority, customs and excise it will be great. Spread the word across all major malls and major places, this motivates people to take up this initiative seriously.

Let there be active participation from all the communities, all the ages and class of people. Make it more informative within the educational institutions as well. If possible, add a few fun quotes to the event so that people will be more interested. Let the awareness go deep within the people of older generation group so that they feel motivated to stay feet.

These 30 days let it be like a celebration. A celebration to better health, healthier society and healthiest Dubai city. The city that exercises together, stays fit together they prosper ever. Let the goal be a healthy and full of prosperity Dubai. Let the whole world know that you are aiming at a healthy and stress-free life and people from the rest of the world can learn from people of Dubai more. The motive is to make people understand the value of stress-free and healthy life. When families come together can challenge each other for this it is going to be nice to say the world, yes we care for each other.

Dubai Fitness Challenge 30 minutes 30 days challenge
Credit: Fazza Instagram

A celebration to better health in Dubai

Let the celebration continue for the next sequel and something new to come up to continue this saga of healthy life and healthy Dubai. When you take one-step forward and look at people you get five more steps along with you. Let's make our Duabi go in a direction where no one would ever say that for minor things I need to see a doctor. On a lighter note, it's not good for the hospitals but even the doctors want the people to stay healthy. Even the doctors can form group and challenge each other, what an idea.

So when I am writing this for Dubai the city that is miles away from me the beautiful city I have never in my life? Why am I so concerned you would be amazed to know that I fell in love with this city virtually. I have been seeing the prosperity, development everything of Dubai in recent years. So many changes in all the fields and asking people how they can contribute to the betterment for this city. I would love to write more and more in the near future before that I need to have a glance of the city and it's in my card for this year and I may land up in the beautiful city anytime during August or September this year.

Dubai Fitness Challenge group registration is now open!
Dubai Fitness Challenge - Over 1 million people already took part in 30 minutes 30 days challenge!


By God's grace let this happen and let me contribute more information and reach out to people who need help in any form. With this, I wish the people all the best for the 30 minutes 30 days challenge. I will be definitely a part of this event but the only change is my participation will be from India. However, in the end, participation is more important for me than the place. Maybe I can motivate some people along with me if this has been planned and executed in Dubai.

Article Written by, Pranati Mohanty