Dry Skin Home Remedy - Step by Step Tips To Cure Dry Skin, Flaky Skin and Dull Skin At Home

By Ritujain
Most of the time people talk about problems that they have because of oily skin. Problems like melting down of makeup, acne or pimples , large pores and blackheads are the ones associated with oily skin. If you also feel yourself a victim of all these problems then check out this "Best Moisturizer For Oily and Combination Skin" which is my holy grail product for more than 2 years.
Now, oily skin is a nightmare for many of us but dry and cracked skin is not a bliss either. I have dealt with both. I was really oily skinned during my teenage but now I have combination skin which if not taken care of properly...gets dry, patchy and flaky.
The weather in Melbourne is cold for major part of the year so I end up taking too many hot showers which make my skin even more drier. It gets so dull and lifeless that makes me look so sick if I don't do anything about it. Hence I have a weekly and fortnightly skincare routine which I follow apart from my daily skincare routine to keep my skin looking fresh, nourished and soft. Today I am going to share my 2 secret steps which I do to take care of my dry and flaky skin.
Winter Special Home Remedies for dry and dull looking skin:
Step 1: Exfoliation : Exfoliation or scrubbing is one of the most relaxing thing to be done on dull and dehydrated skin. But it needs to be done in a proper manner because otherwise it can do more harm than good to your skin. I use ready-made scrubs when I am short of time but keep coming back to some of my favorite DIY scrubs too because they give amazing results. These DIY scrubs I use on weekly or fortnightly basis depending upon the requirement of my skin. Today I am sharing one of my old favorite dry skin special scrub. Here are the things that you need to make this scrub:
1.Mashed ripened banana - 1 Tbsp
2. Yellow Corn Flour/ Maize Flour - 1 tbsp
3. Lemon Juice - 5-6 drops
Mix all these to make a smooth paste which is easy to work with as a scrub and gently scrub your face or any other dry areas of your body. Scrub your face for 5-6 minutes in circular motion while avoiding the area around your eyes. Banana will moisturize and cornflour will scrub the dead skin away. Lemon being a natural bleach will target darkness which is usually seen around dry areas of the skin.
Here is the detailed video if you want to see these scrub and mask in action.

Step 2: Application of Face Mask for Soft and Glowing Skin: After you have exfoliated your skin, it is time to switch to next step so that your skin which is ready to take some surface nutrition can have some. This mask moisturizes the skin and targets the dark patches very well. And the end result is clear, soft, glowing and youthful skin. Here are the ingredients that you need to make this mask.
1. Yellow Corn Flour - 1 tbsp
2. Baking Soda - 1/4 tsp
3. Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
4. Lemon juice- 5-6 drops
5. Honey - 1 tbsp
Just mix these nicely to form a uniform paste and apply that as a mask all over your face and neck with a flat face pack brush. This mask has multiple benefits. It moisturizes, targets dark spots, brightens the skin, lightens the skin and nourishes the skin. This is an easy and quick way to do your own organic facial at home for treating skin issues like darkness, dullness and dryness.
I hope you try this and this organic DIY facial works for you. Do share your experience with me in the comments below.