Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment SPF 30 Review

By Alyssa Martinez @ItsMariaAlyssa

According to Sephora and Style Korean, this is the best-selling product of Dr. Jart+ and luckily, the brand sent me one last March to try it for myself. But it took me a while to write this Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment review because March is the start of the summer season in the Philippines. And this is not a product for that season in a humid tropical country.


Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment is a green-to-beige color-correcting treatment that corrects redness and helps protect skin from environmental aggressors.

It's the all-in-one treatment that includes a color-changing capsule within the formula to cover blemishes and restore the look of the skin's strength, health, and vitality. It provides SPF 30 protection from UV light, and it forms a dust barrier to protect the skin from the environment while enhancing the skin's viability.


The power ingredient in this product is Tiger Grass-aka -which helps calm and repair skin. Based on my personal experience with this ingredient, it can quickly make skin look and feel less irritated, red, and reduce the inflammation of blemishes, even helping them heal faster.

Besides that, it is also infused with sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium to help improve the skin's moisture levels and restore fatigued skin for a healthy appearance. You can check its full ingredients and analysis in Skin Carisma.


APPLICATION: In the morning, after your regular skincare or makeup routine, apply a moderate amount. The cream will change from green-to-beige to correct any redness.

SCENT: It smells like herb and mint, just like those Asian pain-reliever ointments like Katinko, but a little milder.

TEXTURE & FORMULA: It's creamy but not that heavy. It's actually easy to blend on the skin. However, it has a really dewy finish.

PACKAGING: As expected from Asian beauty brands, this cream comes with a scoop and cute packaging. It is in a glass jar with metal lid, so it's quite heavy and chunky if you're going to bring this in your travels.


The first time I used it, I put the cream on the back on my hand and applied it all over my face with just my finger tips. It did correct my redness and even brightened my under eyes, but it was too pale for my morena skin tone, it felt so greasy and the finish was so dewy! You see, I have oily skin, lives in a humid tropical country, and I tried this during our summer season. So I was determined to never use it again.

Until I watched Kelsey Merritt's Harper's Bazaar nighttime skincare routine where she used a brush to apply her moisturizer. And I thought, maybe I could do that with my Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment.

And I did! At first, I tried the flat foundation brush, but it still applies too thickly for my liking. The result was still the same with just applying it with fingers. So, I washed my face and I tried a beauty blender. And it did make a change on the finished look! It was less dewy, my skin looks brighter because it was less oily, and no longer greasy. I can finally use the product every day.

Left: No Product; Center: Applied with brush; Right: Applied with beauty blender.


PROS: It does really correct redness thanks to it's green to beige shade.

CONS: It feels too greasy and thick for oily skin. So you have to be creative on applying it.


You can purchase the Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment in Style Korean for $21 or PHP1094 in a 50ml jar. They offer free international shipping, and they ship to the Philippines door-to-door without customs tax.

This is also available in for $52 in 50 ml jar. And it is also available in a smaller 15 ml jar for $18 which is easier to bring when you travel.

What do you think of this Dr. Jart+ Cicapair Tiger Grass Color Correcting Treatment review? Do you use a color-correcting skincare product? Share your thoughts below.

**I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free in the hope that I would mention it on my blog. Regardless, I only recommend products I use personally and believe will be good for my readers. All thoughts and opinions are my own and not influenced by the brand or its affiliates.