You know when you hear about those products that you always want to try out but never get around to actually buying?
Well the amount of amazing things I have heard about Dr. Bronner's Magic Soap has always made me want to try it, and amazingly, I was offered to be sent some of the samples to try out myself. Cue squeal of delight.
Now this soap has been heralded as a little miracle. It is described as; "A combination of organic extra virgin coconut, olive, jojoba and hemp oils, together with pure essential oils, creates a unique soap that cleans effectively without being aggressive and produces a velvety-lather that leaves the skin silky-smooth and refreshed."
This basically means that it can be used for anything and everything - skin, hair, teeth(!!), clothes, as a massage oil, to clean make up brushes...apparently it has 18 uses in one. Bargain. I was sent two of the liquid soaps - the lavender one and the green tea and hemp one and then two of the soap bars, the peppermint and the baby mild one.
So far, I have used them to clean my hands, my face and my make up brushes (amazing, the make up literally dissolves off of the brushes). The smell of the soaps, in particular the lavender one, is gorgeous. As they are made from oils, they feel and smell beautiful. They even recommend using them as a massage oil. I actually massaged a tiny bit into my temples at bed time and I slept like a baby!
Speaking of babies, I have used the baby mild soap bar on Elijah, who has quite sensitive skin, even for a 9 month old, and it caused no reaction and left him skin soft and smelling even lovelier than normal.
I have a way to go to make my way through the rest of the 18 uses, but so far, I am a Dr. Bronner Magic Soap lover!
Have you tried the Magic Soap? Enjoy x