DOWNTOWN ATOMIC HQ: Valentine’s Day 2014

By Reeseatomic @reeseatomic

HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY to everyone! Whether you had a Valentine or not, I really hope you all had a great Friday.

This year, I got to spend my very first Valentine’s Day with my handsome man, Joe. It was extra special because it was also his birthday.

For those who know me, Valentine’s Day is one of 3 days a year that I make a big deal about. Even if I didn’t have a Valentine, I’d treat my friends to some loving with candy.

So, what do I get up to this year?
Joe and I went to Love Supreme in Paddington for dinner and a few drinks. I thought it was the most appropriate seeing as though it was Valentine’s Day and Joe is a big fan of the pizza (like most men are.)

I didn’t have high expectations for Love Supreme, but I did expect them to fulfill a basic service and unfortunately, they failed at that. I completely understand that Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest days in the world of hospitality, but I couldn’t believe how terrible it was. It restaurant wasn’t as busy as expected with a few vacant tables, one of them right beside us.

Joe and I were seated within a few minutes after arriving, and I thought so far so good, but everything went down hill from there.

It took forever to wave down a waitress, I believe we were trying to get someone’s attention for twenty minutes. Finally, when they took our order, a blonde waitress didn’t even write any of it down.
OK, some waiters have a gift at remembering orders – this chick just wasn’t one of them.

Our drinks came out within fifteen minutes, but our food — a pasta dish and a pizza — never arrived.

The table next to us, a mom and daughter, sat down half an hour after we order. Their meal was exactly the same as ours: a couple of drinks, pasta and pizza, yet they got their meal way before Joe and I did.

I didn’t want to ask but after an hour of waiting, I had to. With the encouragement of the mother/daughter duo beside me, I asked and they came up with the lame excuse of “there’s been an error in the kitchen” yet, the table next to us ordered the same thing and they didn’t have any delays or problems.
Like I said, I understand that it’s Valentine’s Day, but it was also Joe’s birthday, and so far it wasn’t turning out to be a very good night.

Another twenty minutes pass and our food finally arrives, pizza first and the pasta another ten minutes later.

I had only had one fork-full of the pasta and a bit of seafood when I realised the pasta wasn’t even cooked through. Joe had even commented that his pizza was literally drowning in oil.
When I flagged down the blonde waitress to tell her my pasta wasn’t cooked properly, she rolled her eyes, picked up my plate, took it to the kitchen where she made a massive scene with the chef who then glared over at our table. (Lucky for Joe his back was turned). It then took them a further twenty minutes to get my replacement pasta dish started.

By this stage I was embarrassed. It was my first birthday with Joe, as well as our first Valentine’s Day. It was getting worse by the minute.

Before I let this pizza place ruin our night, I decided we were going to leave. I was happy to pay for our drinks, but the food and service was absolute GARBAGE!
Joe and I left without paying a cent – not even for the drinks. Little blonde waitress made a big deal of it to the chef as we were leaving, which confirmed her attitude and work ethic stinks!

Later when I posted about this on my Facebook, a paramedic I work with commented on how poor their service was as well. He had taken his pregnant wife there for a Valentine’s Day dinner only an hour before Joe and I arrived and couldn’t say anything nice about the place either.

I do NOT recommend this place. The service was disgraceful, the food wasn’t anything spectacular or appetising and to add insult to injury, the place gave me food poisoning that knocked me out cold for the entire weekend; and to think that the blonde waitress thought I was making a big deal of undercooked pasta when undercooked seafood was even worse! I will never EVER go back there for a meal. For a drink, maybe… if it was the only place open during a zombie apocalypse.

So if you’re in the mood for a lazy evening with 3-4+ hours to waste, not too bothered by poor service and willing to wait over an hour for food (highly recommended the place to digest your previous meal at) then Love Supreme (180 Oxford St, Paddington) is the place for you. Otherwise, look elsewhere. There are far better pizza places with better service, pizza selections, drinks and ambience than Love Supreme.

One bit of advice: READ REVIEWS! Only after Joe and I got home I read so many poor reviews on the place, with only a handful of positive ones. Rookie mistake.

But for those who were wondering, Joe and I had a wonderful night after we left. The rest of the night was amazing.