Don't Shoot

By Golfrefugees

H&M, Gap and Puma are some of Cambodia’s biggest garment buyers.
One year ago Cambodian textile workers went on strike asking for a basic salary of $160 per month?
To protect investor interest, the Cambodian government sent in the troops armed with AK 47’s and shot five of the workers.
“Everyone is too afraid to strike now so no one ever considers it, even though it’s only strikes that can find a solution for us” said Chhiv Phanith, a garment worker
The strike was called off soon after the shootings, which occurred on a Friday, with workers beginning to return to factories the next Monday, having secured an increase in their basic salaries to just $100.
In terms of fairness should Puma hold a gun to the heads of their sponsored sport starts to help with negotiations?
Why don’t H&M, Gap, Puma and others just agree to pay their Cambodian garment workers a living wage of $160 per month?