Does Matt Forte Have Good Reason to Be Upset With the Chicago Bears?

By Beardandstache @BeardAndStache


- Troy Ballard 

The Chicago Bears added some insurance at the running back position by signing ex-Raider Michael Bush to a hefty contract -- preparing for the 'worst-case' scenario that Matt Forte holds-out until he receives a long-term deal.
And, like any good NFL drama, Forte wasn't happy about it.
When it gets right down to it, the NFL isn't all that much different than a group of junior high school girls. There's a reason HBO's Hard Knocks is so successful, and it's not because of Rex Ryan.
Most NFL players are vocal. When players are vocal, there is a direct reaction. Sometimes from other players, sometimes from fans. But there is always a reaction.
This wasn't as prevalent in the past, but with the explosion of social media, millions can read and hear what athletes have to say instantly. Some love it, some hate it, but Twitter is the newest way to connect with players from all across the world.
Guess who jumped to twitter to express his displeasure with the signing of Bush? Forte.
Here is a series of tweets that Forte sent out after he heard that Chicago had signed Bush --

This is the kicker for the Bears -- Forte is well aware of his value. He knows that he is one of the top running backs in the NFL, an that he deserves top dollar for his services. There is no chance he takes a hometown discount, and after last season's antics, Chicago has lost all favors they may have had.  As Forte noted, he went on a rant. He was clearly frustrated that the Bears would pay an outsider when he  has clearly earned and deserves a paycheck. Unlike other players in the NFL, most notably DeSean Jackson, Forte actually is the caliber of player to bring in a record-breaking contract. 
With comments like these, Forte is hinting towards a holdout. Frankly, we can't blame him. The Bears are blatantly disrespecting him, and instead of working on a long-term deal, the team is taking the easy route and bringing in outside help in the event of a holdout. 
Bush is a solid running back, but he's not Forte. If Chicago forces him to holdout, for however long it may be, the Bears are going to be quickly bumped from a serious contender to nothing more than a wildcard gamble. 
Forte is the offense, and anyone in Chicago that doesn't realize that is blind. 
Pay the kid. He's worth it. 
Be sure to follow Beard and Stache on Twitter @BeardAndStache, and also Troy @TroyBallards, Like our Facebook page HERE!