Does Low Carb Create Weight Loss by Simply Reducing Calories?

By Dietdoctor @DietDoctor1

Does low carb create weight loss by simply reducing calories? Is coconut oil a less healthy saturated fat? And what do you do about constipation on low carb?

Get the answers in this week's Q&A with Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt:

Does LCHF just create weight loss by simply reducing calories?

Does LCHF work by simply causing a caloric reduction due to decreased appetite and removing a macronutrient, as opposed to its effect on hormones causing the weight loss, as claimed by other health professionals. Does it really just come down to calories in, calories out? If you eat more LCHF calories than you burn will you still gain weight? Are there any studies which show weight loss on LCHF diet while at same time either increasing caloric intake or at least maintaining same caloric intake?

This would be essential to prove (to myself and family members) that it is indeed the CONTENT of the LCHF diet and its effect on hormones that is creating the weight loss, not just a caloric reduction causing it.

Thank You!

It's all connected. Hormones - like insulin - influence how hungry you get and how many calories your body burns.

A low-carb, high-fat diet helps you eat and feel satisfied while eating fewer calories and burning more calories. This happens because of hormonal factors.

Some people might say it's all because of the calories, but for all practical purposes this doesn't really matter. The LCHF diet was what made it possible to eat fewer calories and burn more calories, while still feeling fine and eating delicious foods. What matters is that it works.

Andreas Eenfeldt

Is coconut oil a less healthy saturated fat?

A LCHF non-believer friend is very concerned that we consume coconut oil. He refers to the American Health Association which states that "coconut oil isn't healthy and has never been healthy." His reference is a USA article printed on June 16th 2017. Apparently it is "far worse" than butter or animal fat. Would love your scientific perspective.


The AHA is partly funded by the unsaturated oil industry and their guidelines on fat are obsolete to say the least.

Andreas Eenfeldt

Dying of constipation

Hi Andreas,

Fabulous site and happy to contribute to your success as a member.

I've been at this LCHF lifestyle now for 6 months or more. I only eat one meal per day on average and (except for the odd social event) stick to the plan rigorously. Lost 19 kg (42 lbs) so far with another 6 kg (13 lbs) to go.

The problem is I'm suffering chronic constipation. For months now, if I don't take 4 Coloxyl tablets every 5 or 6 days I don't think I'd ever have another bowel motion. I don't like taking the drug but if I don't I'm afraid I would just blow up and end up exploding (a terrible mess). Is taking Coloxyl long term an issue?

I take magnesium, drink copious amounts of water each day but don't add salt to my food because I'm on BP medication.

It gets me down because I hate the feeling (bloating) of being constipated. What to do?


Coloxyl should be OK, although it may be that taking it long term makes it hard to stop taking it, without the symptoms returning.

If possible, you may discuss the possibility of reducing or eliminating blood pressure medication - BP often goes down on low carb, long term.

Adding extra fiber may also be helpful:

Low-Carb Side Effects: Constipation

Andreas Eenfeldt


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